What You Should Consider When Choosing OEM Labels, Decals & Overlays

VMS-OEM-eBook-THUMBNAILIf you're a buyer, engineer, designer or product manager who's been tasked with selecting graphics for OEM products and equipment, you may be overwhelmed.

We understand. There are countless options to choose from and many questions to answer before you can select the right OEM markings for your exact application.

How do you know which option is best for your OEM equipment? Do you need a label, a decal or an overlay? Did you even know there was a difference?

After reading this ebook, you should be able to answer these question and many more.

What You'll Learn About in This Ebook

  • Technical definitions: You'll learn what labels, decals, overlays and nameplates are and what solutions each can provide
  • The questions you should be asking: Whether related to environment or budget, determine which questions you should be asking overlay, decal and label manufacturers to find the right solution
  • Adhesive considerations: Learn about the types of adhesives available and how they should be applied.
  • Common material types: Discover the performance characteristics of the five most common types of base materials.
  • The questions you should be prepared to answer: It's just as important that you come to vendors ready to answer a distinct set of questions—find out what they are.

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